Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Tag: Lent


Posted: April 10, 2020 by Tamara Puffer
Practically the whole country is in quarantine due to the COVID-19 virus so things seem a bit strange.  I’m trying to take some deep breaths and enjoy this time without life’s normal hustle and bustle.    Jonathan Ross redid my web site but I’ve been putting off posting on my blog because I dislike engaging […]

Ash Wednesday

Posted: February 27, 2020 by Tamara Puffer
Lent is my favorite time of the church year. I went to Haywood Street Methodist yesterday and received the imposition of the ashes.  Haywood Street is a church with people who have homes and some who do not.  Local restaurants take turns providing a free meal with three serving times offered prior to worship on […]

“Always Go to the Funeral”

Posted: April 17, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
The sermon on Palm Sunday (April 13, 2014) at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church was called “Always Go to the Funeral.”   I remember thinking, “Okay Mark (Ramsey), what does going to a funeral have to do with Palm Sunday?” I decided to go with it anyway for he often comes up with thought provoking titles. He […]

Being a mind reader

Posted: March 24, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
In his book A Lenten Hobo Honeymoon, Ed Hays tells a story about a traveler in the Missouri Ozarks who stopped at a general store, in front of which a hound dog sat howling its head off. The traveler asked a man standing outside the store, “Why’s that hound dog howling so much?” He replied, […]

A Lenten Goal

Posted: March 19, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
When I started using Hay’s book, “A Lenten Hobo Honeymoon” as a reflection book for Lent, in it was a piece of paper with my “Lenten Hobo map” from a previous year. Hays suggest one keep a list of goals for the season. Many of the suggested categories, such as “Fasting & Penances” and “Almsgiving”, […]

Hobo in the Wilderness

Posted: March 13, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
March 5 was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, and I spent the day in bed with a horrible sore throat. In fact I was sick several days last week which was frustrating since Lent is my favorite time of the year. I had decided not to use one of Ed Hays’ devotional guides which […]

Vocabulary Lessons

Posted: March 6, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
Mark Ramsey and Kristy Farber are doing a sermon series on the Psalms this Lent. Perhaps it’s where I am in my life now but I can really relate to the sermons. On Feb. 17, Mark preached about Psalm 137. I’ve always hated this Psalm especially verse 9 which reads “Happy shall they be who […]

Examining my Garden

Posted: March 5, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
Here is a part of the reflection from the Hobo Honeymoon by Ed Hays for this past Sunday. Good words for me to remember. “Jesus’ parable today answers the question, ‘What is the world’s oldest profession that is today’s most popular hobby?’ As you may have guessed, the correct answer is being a gardener! The […]
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