Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Ash Wednesday

February 27, 2020

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Lent is my favorite time of the church year. I went to Haywood Street Methodist yesterday and received the imposition of the ashes.  Haywood Street is a church with people who have homes and some who do not.  Local restaurants take turns providing a free meal with three serving times offered prior to worship on Wednesdays and Sundays.  It is NOT your typical soup kitchen fare!

It’s been a while since I have eaten there so I’m probably due again. I value talking with my table-mates who are often in difficult life situations.  It’s funny but I always feel more comfortable talking to them than with my usual table-mates. My brain injury challenges allow me to connect with them, more so than with other people.

At the service today, the preacher spoke of how in our faith life we have inner and outer work to do. Outer work is the ministries we do – work in a soup kitchen, support immigrants, visit older people and many other thin gs. In contrast, Inner work occurs in quiet time, meditation and prayer.  Lent is especially a time for inner work.

The closing song at Haywood was based on Psalm 51 written by Mark Siler. Here are the words:

Create in me a clean heart

Help me start over again

Please Lord don’t leave me, I need our spirit

I cannot make it alone

Restore to me the joy of salvation

Oh my God.

Many years ago, Mark gave me a CD with some of his songs and this one was on it. I think I lost it and I can’t remember the melody so I may have to call him and ask if he’ll sing it to me over the phone.  Songs are an important part of my life and I would love to sing it during this inner time on my Lenten journey.

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