Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Tag: spaciness

How Hard to Push?

Posted: April 14, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
Since I can only work on my book in spurts, I’ve been trying to find some way to fill the rest of my time.  I’m working to improve my swimming but that’s not enough so I decided to learn Spanish. I’ve been using Rosetta Stone’s Spanish tapes and other resources. Yesterday, I was sitting on […]


Posted: February 8, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
There was an article in the Feb. 5 issue of the New York Times about using GPS devices. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/05/opinion/sunday/is-gps-all-in-our-head.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=Is%20GPS%20All%20in%20Our%20Heads?%20Julia%20Frankenstein&st=cse  Julia Frankenstein  is a psychologist and begins the article by suggesting that folks probably ask themselves,  “What did we ever do before GPS?”   She suggests we stop using them for when  we do, we don’t work our […]

Random Thoughts

Posted: July 28, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
I swim laps at the Y as well as take an intensive water aerobics class. This morning I was going to take the class but when I got to the Y, I decided to swim laps instead. I have a lot on my mind and my body needed to do some hard swimming. Plus, I […]


Posted: February 12, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
I’ve always had a reputation for getting lost. Oh I managed to get to where I was supposed to be for people depended on me. After all, when I was in my twenties I worked as a freelance violinist/violist in Kansas City. I played at wedding receptions, churches, restaurants, and other places all over the […]
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