Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Tag: attention


Posted: December 3, 2020 by Tamara Puffer
I’ve never really liked the Christmas season.  This changed when former pastor Mark Ramsey lead the congregation in a real Advent season not a Christmas season.  We didn’t sing Christmas carols until after Christmas Eve. But rather we sang Advent hymns. Christmas doesn’t begin until Christmas Day and the beauty and reality of the season […]

Summer Institute II

Posted: July 8, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
I’ve been listening to the tapes I made of the 2014 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability back in June. It is almost impossible for me to take notes and listen to a lecture or presentation at the same time due to my brain’s inability to divide its attention which is why I tape them. […]


Posted: August 17, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
I know I have fewer neurons in my brain now so it takes much less to wear me out. Perhaps I got too excited these past few days and have tried to do too much.  In any case, it is time for me to regroup.  I loved the choir rehearsal Wednesday night.  My old “perfectionism” got in the […]

International Day of Action

Posted: October 17, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
Sunday was the day when all cities involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement came together and had some sort of action. Here in Asheville, there was a rally in Pritchard Park with music and speakers at 2 PM. The picture above is of that rally. Following the rally was the general assembly followed by […]


Posted: September 12, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
Michael and I attended Circle of Mercy’s family retreat this weekend at the Hinton Center, a Methodist retreat center about two hours away from Asheville. Retreats are always difficult for me since I do much better when I know my surroundings. I decided to attend this one because I was particularly interested in the program. […]

Random Thoughts

Posted: July 28, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
I swim laps at the Y as well as take an intensive water aerobics class. This morning I was going to take the class but when I got to the Y, I decided to swim laps instead. I have a lot on my mind and my body needed to do some hard swimming. Plus, I […]

Dividing my Attention

Posted: May 9, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
Before becoming a brain injury survivor, I never realized how difficult it is to filter out noise. When I’m in a room with many people talking and I’m trying to carry on a conversation with someone, I must be able to block out all the other voices. My brain was injured in such a way, […]

Cognitive Overload

Posted: February 4, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
People who have a brain injury experience what is called cognitive overload. Some of the neurons in our brain died when we sustained our injury so now those remaining must handle much more than before. Our brain controls everything. For example, when I drive I must keep track of the other cars, traffic lights, signs, […]
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