Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Tag: Depression

Publishing Woes

Posted: November 11, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
An experience happened to me this week that reminded me of the challenges of having a brain injury. I read an article run in the New York Times years ago this week. I shared it on Facebook with the following doctor’s quote lifted out. “People hold on to hope that just as when they survived […]

“Two Sides of the Sea”

Posted: May 23, 2015 by Tamara Puffer
Kristy’s sermon at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church affected me greatly. She began by describing the moment in Exodus 14 when the Israelites crossed the sea and entered into the unknown. “There is a very still moment in this story. Amidst the chase and the army and the chariots and the people crying out after God […]

Of What Are You Certain?

Posted: May 15, 2015 by Tamara Puffer
At a GCPC choir rehearsal Wednesday night, it occurred to me that my depression has lessened. When this happens, I feel more energetic and alive. I haven’t been able to connect much on any sermons preached lately but I was especially moved by Mark Ramsey’s sermon this past Sunday. I read the sermon again yesterday. […]

Waiting in the Darkness

Posted: September 12, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
I don’t want to accept life as it is which is why I’m often stressed and depressed. I’m angry because I can’t be a minister at a church. I’m angry because I haven’t been able to improve my preaching. I’m angry because I can no longer play my violin or my viola. I’m angry because […]

New Vision

Posted: September 5, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
In his sermon at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church on Aug. 24, 2014, Mark Ramsey spoke about the Emmaus journey and how two weary, grieving disciples had bet their lives on the wrong savior. “After three years of imagination-stretched living, they can’t imagine how their time will be filled other than some wish-dream cobbled together by […]

A Way in the Wilderness

Posted: January 18, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
My favorite Scripture is in my head today.  “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert , to give drink to my […]
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