Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury


Posted: June 11, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
This morning I worked out in the yard. After only an hour, I was ready to quit. I took a break by throwing a ball for my dog and then I worked some more. I didn’t work much more and I was a bit frustrated because I still had things to do outside. While the […]


Posted: June 10, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
Twenty years ago I learned about Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief. At the time, they made sense to me. However, several years ago I couldn’t understand why I seemed to be back in the early stages of grief surrounding my TBI. Shoot, I’d already gone through all the stages so I thought I was free and […]

Changing Internet Providers

Posted: June 3, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
I had to change Internet providers because I no longer can get the signal from the local one I’ve been using. This has been a huge issue. I’m glad that my husband is well versed in anything related to the computer because it has thrown me for a loop. I’m amazed at how much I […]


Posted: May 16, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
In the past few weeks, I was liturgist at GCPC and I preached at Circle of Mercy. These experiences got me thinking about my speech and how it was right after my injury. In many respects, I am very fortunate since the part of my brain that handles speech was not affected but I know […]

Dividing my Attention

Posted: May 9, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
Before becoming a brain injury survivor, I never realized how difficult it is to filter out noise. When I’m in a room with many people talking and I’m trying to carry on a conversation with someone, I must be able to block out all the other voices. My brain was injured in such a way, […]

Poor Brain Injury Survivors

Posted: May 6, 2011 by Tamara Puffer
I’m on a team of folks working with a man who was homeless but now lives in an apartment. The program is called “Hope to Home” and it consists of folks from various faith communities. It’s difficult living in regular housing once one has lived on the streets. The man with whom I am working, […]
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