Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Tag: resting brain

Busy, Busy, Busy

Posted: February 25, 2014 by Tamara Puffer
After looking at me I’m getting used to hearing folks say, “you seem fine to me.” I know I’m in a complicated situation for I am able to do much that other brain injury survivors aren’t able to do yet hidden challenges get in the way. I can’t handle the busy life that seems to […]


Posted: August 1, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
These past few weeks have been an interesting part of my journey. I went to the Summer Institute on Theology and Disability in Toronto, Canada. I was nervous about going for two reasons. First, I had never used my passport before and second, I felt I would be out-of-my element in participating. I was nervous […]


Posted: July 11, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
I received this picture from a friend and it seems just right for how I feel today. When I look at a moon, I get such strength and courage. It’s a visual reminder to me that God is always there and I’ll be just fine. Since I needed this reminder, I wore my moon earings […]

Moral Monday 6.24.13

Posted: June 28, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
Attending Moral Mondays in Raleigh this past Monday on June 24 was an incredible experience.  I’m pretty sure my husband, Michael Galovic got tired of me agonizing for days about whether to do civil disobedience.  I even called several folks I knew who had done it in previous weeks – The singer, activist David LaMotte, my friends Greg Yost and […]

iPad Mini

Posted: May 11, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
I bought an iPad Mini today. I recently saw a webinar about devices which will help make life easier for someone who has a TBI. It was really for folks who work with brain injury survivors and not for the survivors themselves. It’s funny because while I have many, many challenges now, I still can […]

Mental Fatigue

Posted: March 23, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
I recently read an article http://www.brainline.org/content/print.php about fatigue and TBI.  It described the three different kinds of fatigue common after a brain injury.  The first is physical fatigue which comes from muscle weakness from having to work harder to do things.  The second is psychological fatigue which comes with depression, anxiety and other psychological issues. […]

“On Our Way”

Posted: January 23, 2013 by Tamara Puffer
Mark Ramsey and Kristy Farber, the two pastors at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church here in Asheville, NC are doing a sermon series on communion, baptisim, funerals and marriages. Last Sunday the day before Dr. Martin Luther King Day, Mark preached about funerals. I couldn’t help thinking, “Now how in the world is he going to […]

Holy Anticipation

Posted: December 20, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
Last night I had to be at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church for an alto rehearsal at 6 :15.  Ever since my accident, I don’t see well in the dark.  I don’t know exactly why this is or what happened to injure my eyes but something did.  As a result, I don’t drive at night which […]

“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”

Posted: December 17, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
In his column in the Asheville Citizen-Times yesterday, Roger Aiken wrote about a friend of his who was stricken with a brain aneurysm.  He battled infections and the doctors thought he might not survive.  He’s able to work now but the experience profoundly changed him.  Aiken’s wrote about a manager’s meeting they both recently attended.  […]
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