Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury


Posted: December 4, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
Yesterday was the first day of Advent, a time of expectation. It’s funny because I never really understood Advent as expectation before worshiping at Grace Covenant Presbyterian. When I was a kid, I expected to get lots of gifts but I knew that wasn’t what this meant. Under Mark Ramsey’s leadership, the sanctuary remained plain […]

Publishing Woes

Posted: November 11, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
An experience happened to me this week that reminded me of the challenges of having a brain injury. I read an article run in the New York Times years ago this week. I shared it on Facebook with the following doctor’s quote lifted out. “People hold on to hope that just as when they survived […]

Summer Institute on Theology and Disability

Posted: July 4, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
The folks at the Summer Institute for Theology and Disability are going to quit allowing me to attend! When I first attended in Toronto in 2013, I pushed it too hard and had to be hospitalized. Three institutes have gone by in three different cities where Michael went as my “attendant” and I managed well. […]


Posted: June 13, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
Michael and I attended the Summer Institute on Disability and Theology last week in LA. It’s a 3+ hour plane ride and a 3 hour time change.  This was problematic for me which I’ll write about later. Today: trip home. Since the trip there was overwhelming for me, we decided to do everything in our […]

Cognitive Overload Weekend

Posted: May 15, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
I went to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church’s service day at Haywood St. Congregation on Saturday.  I never go to those days because I know there will be too much stimulation for me. When I’m cognitively overloaded, I become sluggish, irritable and unable to think.  This time, there was a job where folks could pack meals which […]

The Lord is my Shepherd

Posted: May 6, 2017 by Tamara Puffer
This past Wednesday, I attended the Haywood Street Congregation’s worship service which is at 12:30 pm. This congregation is Methodist and every Wednesday they have a meal for folks who are hungry. One of the chef’s in town encouraged other chefs to donate different meals a couple Wednesdays each month so the food is always […]
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