Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury


August 30, 2022


Waterfall in the national park Sumava-Czech Republic

Since I last wrote I have had surgery on my dominant, right hand.  Somehow, I tore a ligament on my second finger.  In April I began wearing a brace in the hopes the tear would heal but it did not so surgery was required In June.  It’s a long recovery time and I’m still wearing a hand brace – although I do get to take it off four times a day for an hour.

In any event, it has sort of taken over my life.  I’ve been having occupational therapy so I can use it some. I don’t have a doctor’s appointment until Sept. 8 when I hope he’ll say I don’t need the brace anymore. It’s just as well that I haven’t been able to use my right hand since April because I haven’t had any blog ideas until now.

Tami Forte Logan has been preaching at Grace Covenant Presbyterian church and on August 21, inspiration struck. The picture above is from the bulletin where she preached a sermon called “If.” I love rivers, oceans, and lakes – anything to do with water. The picture calmed my soul but so did her sermon. She didn’t say anything earth shattering but her words put me in touch with God again

She said, “Our God is a God who wants to bless us and not curse us, who wants to bring us joy and not pain. To restore us and not turn us away.”  I needed some restoration.  I needed to be reminded that God wants to bring us joy and it doesn’t matter if I can’t use my right hand or not.  I need to be reminded that God loves me and always will. The hidden meaning for me was I need to trust – even if I don’t know what is going to happen.

Sometimes sermons don’t need to be earth-shattering for them to have an impact.  This was one of those sermons.

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