Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury


Posted: October 4, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
I have a birthday tomorrow and birthdays always drive me to reflect on my life.  My reflections this year are about all the different churches in which I’ve been a part.  I grew up Methodist, directed a small church choir at a Disciples of Christ Church, and ended up joining a huge Presbyterian Church (Village Presbyterian) in Kansas City. (6000+ […]

A Journey

Posted: September 28, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
This is the picture that was printed in the bulletin at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church last Sunday (Sept 23, 12).  There is always a picture printed longside a quotation of some sort. This Sunday I didn’t see any connection between the picture and the quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  It’s funny, but sometimes I think […]

Pain and Promise

Posted: September 17, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
On August 22, 2012 I wrote a blog post called “All or Nothing.”  In it I mentioned Kathleen O’Connor’s book Jeremiah: Pain and Promise. I had only read three chapters of it at the time but this morning I read chapter 9 “Encoding Catastrophe” about the sermons in Jeremiah.  Pictured at left is O’Connor’s book […]

Ordination Anniversary

Posted: September 13, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
I was surprised when I received a congratulations from the Columbia Seminary Alumna office recognizing my ordination on September 12 1993.  I knew it was in September but I didn’t know what date. That was yesterday. Wow!I’ve struggled with what being ordained means to me now.  I had only been serving a church for three years […]


Posted: September 7, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
Michael and I went to Myrtle Beach for a few days this week.  I think this is the best time to go since hotels are cheaper and we can take Sparky.  Pictured at left is Michael and Sparky as they romped on the beach. I’ve never really understood the need for vacations.  Oh I like going […]

“Seeking Imagination”

Posted: August 31, 2012 by Tamara Puffer
This past Sunday at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Kristy Farber preached a sermon that really affected me.  Her title was Seeking Imagination and I remembered thinking to myself that morning, “What does Mark 8:27-38 have to do with imagination?”On top of that, the following quote by Anne Lamott was printed in the bulletin by the picture […]
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