Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury


January 9, 2025


Epiphany and Pentecost are my two favorite times of the church year. Epiphany marks when the magi followed a star to find Jesus after his birth. Pentecost is celebrated when the Holy Spirit came down to earth. They both signify new beginnings. Since I attend First Presbyterian Church Asheville in the morning and Circle of Mercy at 5 PM, I celebrated Epiphany twice. “Why attend two” you might ask? It’s a long story and I won’t go into here. Celebrating Epiphany twice was fine with me though.

COM marked the day at their Sunday service while FPCA celebrated it last night (Wednesday) with a meal and a short service. A star in the east led the magi to the Christ child. Missy, one of the pastors at COM, reminded us that when the magi saw the star “they were filled with joy.” (Matt 2:10) The magi were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, so they went home another way. (Matt. 2:12)

Star Words

Both churches have the practice of handing out star words. I don’t know who picks out the words, but they are written on construction paper stars. My star words are pictured here. I picked “joy” as my word at COM which really fit the service. The word reminds me to be joyful even if there are Herods along the way. As I write this, I think about Trump and how he reminds me of Herod. I won’t let him take away my joy no matter what he does, and it looks like he is going to do many terrible things.

Light is also a theme of this service. Shannon, one of the pastors at FPCA, spoke about the shutter speed on a camera. When you slow the speed, it lets in more light. She reminded us to slow down and follow the light of God.

I picked “strength” at FPCA. At first, I couldn’t think how the word applied. Then it occurred to me. I’m going to need a whole lot of strength to be joyful in the next four years. Joy doesn’t mean ‘happy” or even “acceptance.” Joy is something different. It’s a state of being. I won’t celebrate Trump’s actions or ignore them. I will do what I can to fight against them. But joy will be deep inside of me. The joy of following the Christ child. The joy of following the light. The joy of following the Star. I ask God for strength to follow this star. I am going to need it.


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