Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury


April 24, 2021


I’ve posted a picture of my masks again since they are so much a part of my life.  I’m getting used to wearing them even though I still have a sign up on my door reminding me to put one on. The Covid-19 epidemic numbers are astounding.  They remind me of all the biblical stories where thousands, if not 100,000’s, of folks die in the various plagues and wars.  Covid-19 is definitely a plague on the entire world. 

The World Heath Organization reports there are 145 million cases in the world with 3 million deaths.  Here in North Carolina there are 550, 000 cases with 12,500 deaths.  It’s so colossal that it is beyond my imagination.  The whole country has been on lock-down for over a year. 

One of my churches – Grace Covenant Presbyterian – has been streaming worship services on Zoom.  Fortunately, we have the resources to hire Luke Johnson as a  minister of media and technology whose job has been to work with worship.  It’s amazing how interesting worship can be with Luke’s gifts. (Check out Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church – Asheville’s You Tube channel.  Click on “past live streams” for the worship services)

All the worship leaders are at home.  So many congregational members have led parts of the service and it is refreshing to watch.  I can’t help being interested in each person’s home or environment.  Some folks sit on their sofas in front of pictures on the wall which gives worship a homey feel.  Others are outside on their front porches.

My good news is, I got my two vaccinations and the required two weeks after the second shot has passed.  I will still wear a mask some of the time especially when I’m in groups because I can still get Covid-19  – in a lessor form – even with the vaccinations.

This really is an interesting time to be alive.  Although, I look forward to the world opening back up again, I’m an introvert and haven’t had any trouble being stuck at home – although I do work out at the Y.   In fact, the zoom meetings have made it easier for me since I don’t have to get a ride at night.  I will miss this greatly. 

I think this “plague” has changed to world permanently at least I hope it has.  Maybe folks have learned how to slow down and have appreciated time alone or with their families.  I hope life is different when we all get together again.

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