Spiritual Reflections on Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

History of my TBI

January 21, 2011


On August 26, 1996 I was a passenger in the car with my husband, Michael Galovic, driving in Atlanta, Georgia. As we turned left, we were hit by an oncoming car. We were admitted to two different hospitals since I needed more specialized care. I was in an induced coma for a week where my brain was monitored for swelling. I then moved to a different hospital which had inpatient rehab. There I began the process of learning how to eat, speak, walk and think again. At the end of October I moved to an inpatient rehab center where I continued my rehabilitation.

Lack of awareness is often an issue when one has a TBI and I was no exception. I was bound and determined to continue working as a Presbyterian minister. I continued my rehab as an out-patient and following this, I volunteered as a chaplain at several facilities hoping I would go back to working as a minister. I was able to visit folks, write sermons, lead bible studies but it took a lot out of me. I began realizing that I probably would not work as a paid minister again.

I have since moved to Asheville, North Carolina where my husband took a job in the counseling profession. I do some pastoral visiting at the Presbyterian church I attend. I also attend another church affiliated with the UCC/Alliance of Baptist churches which meets on Sunday evening. I am a progressive Christian and was drawn to this second church because of the many socially active folks who attend there. I have learned that my brain gets more tired now (mental fatigue) so I sometimes attend one or the other Church and not both.

I decided to write a blog about my experiences living with a TBI. I hope other survivors can relate to my stories and will share some of there own.

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